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If loose dentures or multiple missing teeth are getting you down, why not replace them with the strongest and most durable solution available: implant-retained dentures.

Introduction to Implant-retained Dentures

  • Implants stabilise a custom set of dentures.
  • Long-lasting answer to tooth loss.
  • Fixed solution anchored into the jaw.
  • Can replace 1 or 2 entire tooth arches.
  • Biocompatible replacement of tooth roots.
  • The only missing teeth treatment that protects the jawbone.

What are Implant-Retained Dentures?

Implant-retained dentures are a set of dentures that are secured in place with dental implants. If you are seeking a cost-effective implant-based treatment for replacing multiple lost teeth, implant-retained dentures are more viable than using single implants for each individual tooth.

With implant-retained dentures, we do not need to use one implant per tooth, streamlining treatment time and cost.

Why Implant Treatment Can Benefit You

95%+ success rate

The placement of an implant in the jaw encourages the body’s own healing mechanism. Once your implants have been placed, the jawbone takes on the implants, growing around them. The success rate for the implant integration process (known as osseointegration) is over 95%.

Just like real teeth

Implants are the undisputed gold standard of tooth replacement.

They emulate everything a real tooth does, from how they sit within the jaw and how they look, to how they feel to chew with. Your implant dentures will give you the freedom to bite, talk and smile completely authentically.

No limitations on what you can eat

One of the most frustrating aspects of having non implant retained dentures is that they can move around in your mouth when you eat certain foods. Missing teeth can be equally as problematic, making it hard to breakdown your food efficiently.

Implant-retained dentures have almost identical chewing and biting abilities as real teeth, so you won’t have to think twice about enjoying the tougher and stickier foods you love like steak, bagels, nuts and apples (to name just a few!)

Protect your jawbone

The relationship between teeth and the jawbone is a close one. Without teeth, the jawbone doesn’t have the stimulus it needs to stay dense and functional. Once an implant is placed, the jawbone is reinvigorated and therefore able to be the vital aesthetic support for your lower face and cheeks areas.

Your Patient Journey at King’s Avenue


Your implant consultation is a chance for us to outline what is involved as part of treatment, and to answer your questions. We will also take CBCT scans, and other X-rays of your teeth and study models, to see if you are a suitable candidate for treatment.

Surgery Day

Dr Gary Cohen and colleagues will identify exactly where to place the implants. The location of the implants will determine the long-term success of treatment.

Your surgery will be under local anaesthetic. The implants are placed into the jaw and left to heal. We will provide you with a set of temporary dentures to wear over the top of your gums whilst the healing process is ongoing.


The implants are left to heal for 3 to 9 months.

Denture design

Your dentist will show you a series of different shades so you can decide which shade you would like for your dentures. The shade and tooth measurements are sent to the dental technician for fabrication.

Natural-looking custom-made dentures

Your bespoke dentures are ready to be placed once the implants have fully integrated with the jaw. The dentures are supported by the implants in different ways and are well supported and stable.


Post-surgery aftercare

  • Warm salt water rinses should done at least 3 times a day.
  • Clean very carefully around the implant sites using a soft bristled brush.
  • Pain relief with paracetamol or ibuprofen (if tolerated).
  • Do not smoke during the healing period – this is one of the biggest contributors to implant failure, disrupting the healing process by blocking the blood supply to the gums.
  • Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks after placement of implant fixtures.

Long-term aftercare

Brush your implant dentures every morning and evening using a denture cleaning agent. You can use a toothbrush to brush your dentures, just as you would a real set of teeth.

Use a Waterpik to help maintain good hygiene

Book Your Implant Consultation with a Dentist in Muswell Hill

Book your implant consultation in minutes by calling our friendly reception team, who will do their best to answer your questions and find you a convenient appointment.

For more information regarding this treatment
CONTACT US OR CALL US 020 888 35470
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